This week we focussed on adding more detail by describing our senses. We wrote about our walk to Memorial park and thought about what we saw, heard, felt (touch), thought, did, smelt, tasted and felt (emotions).
Room 8 produced some wonderful writing, here are some examples:
"Today we went to Memorial park. I went with my buddy class. When we got there I saw a super marine spitfire MK1. Everyone was quiet. I smelled one of the poppies. It felt like it was soft fabric. I thought of the rattle of gunfire and shells blasting away. It must of been dreadful in the war. I felt very sad after that. Then it was morning tea time." (Jack, year 4).
"Today we went to Memorial park, we sawe a spitfire, it looked awesome. I heard footsteps it sounded like 1000000's of stomps. The poppies smell like dirt" (Harlan, year 5).
"This morning everyone in the school walked to Memorial park. I saw lots of crosses and poppies. I heard quietness then silence. I could smell the fresh air. I also could smell the poppies freshness. I saw lots of things actually like a spitfire,lots of treees and the cenotaph. I felt the breeze blow across my face. I thought that all those people that fought in the war might have been hard for them. I walked with our class and our buddy class which is room 2. Once I saw all the crosses I felt really emotional and glad at the same time because the all tried their best." (Alexus, year 4).
Today we went to Memorial park and I saw a cool plane and a big tank. In my head I could hear soldiers marching and guns firing. I could smell the poppies with their black hearts in the middle" (Ruby, year 5).
Please ask your child from room 8 to show you their writing on 'kidblog', they write in this at least once a week and you can leave a comment for them. The link to 'kidblog' is on the right of this page at the top.